BBVA’s ERE: Workforce Restructuring and Its Impacts

BBVA, of Spain’s largest banking institutions, has initiated a significant workforce restructuring process known as “Expediente de Regulación de Empleo” (ERE). This decision has sparked widespread attention due to the scale of the layoffs and the impact on both employees and the banking sector. The ERE has brought into focus the challenges traditional banks face in adapting to a rapidly changing financial landscape.

What is the ERE?

The ERE is a legal procedure in Spain, that allows companies to carry out collective dismissals or restructuring when they face economic, organizational, or production-related challenges. In the case of BBVA, the ERE is aimed at reducing costs and optimizing the company’s operations as it shifts toward greater digitization and efficiency in an increasingly competitive banking market.

Reasons Behind the BBVA ERE

  1. Digital Transformation: Like many banks globally, BBVA is undergoing a digital transformation to meet the demands of modern banking customers. As more services move online, the bank finds itself overstaffed in areas that are no longer as critical, such as physical branches. This shift has contributed to the decision to reduce its workforce.
  2. Cost-Cutting Measures: The banking industry, especially in Europe, has been under pressure to reduce operational costs. Low-interest rates, coupled with regulatory pressures, have squeezed profit margins. BBVA’s ERE is part of its broader strategy to streamline its operations and reduce labor costs.
  3. Competitive Landscape: The rise of fintech companies and digital-only banks has intensified competition in the banking sector. BBVA’s ERE is a response to the need to stay competitive and adapt to the changing financial ecosystem by focusing on digital innovation and efficiency.

Impact on Employees

The ERE will result in the layoff of thousands of employees, a move that has drawn criticism from labor unions and affected workers. Unions have organized protests against the dismissals, arguing that the bank’s profitability does not justify such drastic measures. They also highlight the social impact of job losses on communities that rely on physical bank branches, particularly in rural areas.

In response to the backlash, BBVA has emphasized that the ERE is necessary to ensure the bank’s long-term sustainability. The bank has also stated that it will offer severance packages and job transition assistance to affected employees.

The Future of Traditional Banking

BBVA’s ERE reflects a broader trend in the banking sector, where institutions are grappling with the need to modernize while managing the human cost of digitalization. As banks continue to shift toward digital services, physical branches are becoming less relevant, raising questions about the future of traditional banking roles.

For BBVA, the ERE represents a step toward becoming a leaner, more digitally-focused institution. However, the process has underscored the tension between financial innovation and the preservation of jobs in the banking sector.


BBVA’s ERE highlights the ongoing transformation within the banking industry as institutions face the dual pressures of digitization and competition. While the move may be necessary for the bank’s future competitiveness, it has raised important social and economic questions about the impact on employees and local communities. The outcome of this restructuring will not only shape the future of BBVA but also set a precedent for how other traditional banks navigate the challenges of the modern financial world.

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