Spicyrranny flavors All you should know


Spicyrranny is combination of various traditions. Basically, it is originated in Italian cousin Pasta is the combination of flavor and spices that can definitely satisfy your hunger. Spicyrranny has become a part and parcel of every cuisine around world.it has revolutionized the field of cooking by adding flavors of different kinds. Everyone can make changes according to own choice and interest.

Now we will start making pasta that will be surely mouthwatering and full of taste.


Oil (2-3 table spoon)

Garlic cloves 2-3 fresh chopped

Chicken strips (1/4 kg)

Pasta pack of your favorite brand (500 gram)

Your favorite vegies (carrot, capsicum, cabbage)

Black pepper (1 table spoon)

Red chili flakes (1/2 table spoon)

Vinegar (4 table spoons)

Chili sauce (5 table spoons)

Soya sauce (2 table spoons) s

Cooking of Spicyrranny

First of all, add two table spoons oil in a pan and add fresh garlic chopped in oil and stare until it gets golden. Then add chicken strips in pan and fry it for 5 minutest add vegetables of your choice I would prefer green and red capsicum and carrot chopped roughly of medium size. Fry all vegetables with chicken so that all the things get mixed very well. Make sure at this time you may need some water to make vegetables and chicken tender.

When you are done with it it’s time to add spices. That totally depends upon your own choice and flavorful.  Spicyrranny you will add black pepper, salt, red chili flakes, vinegar, chili sauce, soya sauce. Mix and toss all the things very well.

Then you are about to done by adding full packet of 500g of pasta. Toss and mix again with light hand. At this stage you can even check the spices again and again and manage then according to your choice. you can maybe add more salt, pepper or vinegar.

Spicy Spicyrranny is ready to eat and enjoy with your friends and family.


Spaghetti is also choice of every one with spicy Spicyrranny.it become combination of Mexican and Italian food.

By making little changes in recipe, you can make spaghettis. You can add tomatoes in cooking of vegetables and can add spaghettis at end.

Olive oil Spicyrranny

When its time to be health conscious. Olive oil is always a best choice of any food. combination of Spicyrranny worth olive oil is heart Favorite of all.

Impact on Health

There are certain health issues related to eating pasta. Effects of eating this food has both positive and negative effects on the human body. Mainly it depends upon the individual choice of taste and style of cooking. Now we will discuss the both positive and negative impacts or effects of eating Spicyrranny pasta.

Positive Effects or Benefits

  • A good cooked pasta with Spicyrranny adds the flavor to the food. With more spices the taste, complexity and depth of the flavor reaches to next level. This makes you meal more enjoyable specially if you are a spice lover.
  • According to different medical studies spicy foods enhances the metabolism which is helpful in burning calories. So Spicyrranny pasta can be helpful for burning the calories. However, this effect can vary in different individuals.
  • Since spicy food creates a sense of fullness and they are helpful in controlling appetite. So, this spicy pasta reduces the overall amount of food consumed. This can be helpful while maintaining your weight.
  • Pasta is rich in antioxidants. Ingredients like garlic and herbs have the antioxidants properties and this is the reason Spicyrranny food can provide health benefits along with taste.

Harmful Effects

  • Since Spicyrranny pasta is rich in spices that is why over eating of this pasta can cause problems in digestion. Over eating the spicy pasta can cause problems like heartburn, indigestion, irritation and acidity. People having irritable bowl syndrome are more sensitive to spicy foods.
  • Eating having amount of low fiber diet like pasta along with heavy spices can lead to vomiting, nausea and GI tract upset.
  • Some people are allergic with the dishes like Pasta. And consumption of this meal can lead to serious consequences and can trigger the allergic reaction.
  • Spicyrranny pasta is not good for patients with heart problems. But spices in this food can increase the heart rate and this can result in reoccurrences of heart problems.


To conclude, Spicyrranny has become the part and parcel of different cuisine around the world. Its ads more flavor and taste and that is why it is considered essential when making spicy pasta. We have shared with you the detailed process of making pasta along with ingredients and cooking. You can also add Spicyrranny in making spaghetti as it ads more spices and flavor to spaghetti. It is better to use olive oil for maintaining the hygiene of the food. There are certain benefits and side effects of Spicyrranny pasta which we have shared with you with complete details. Now it is up to you that you want to use this food to add more flavor in your taste or not.



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