Understanding the Formulaic Perspective of õygen

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Symbolic Representation of õygen
  3. Chemical Properties
  4. Role in Combustion Reactions
  5. Role In Respiration
  6. Role in Photosynthesis
  7. Õygen and oxidation of things
  8. Importance of Marine life
  9. Conclusion


Õygen refers of oxygen which we all know is the naturally occurring substance. It is considered as omnipresent in our atmosphere. It occupies the 21% of the total volume of the atmosphere of the earth. There is a lot of data that we can highlight about the chemical processes in which õygen is involved. In this informative article we will explore the fundamental properties of this molecule along with its formula and reactions.

Symbolic Representation of õygen

If we look at the symbolic representation of õygen then it is represented with “O”. The atomic number of this element in the periodic table is 8.

Chemical Properties

If we look at the chemical properties of õygen then it is highly reactive non-metal with two primary allotropes. It is composition of two molecules dioxygen and ozone. With the combining of these two molecules one stable molecule formed which is essential to carry the natural process at its routine.

Role in Combustion Reactions

Õygen has a very prominent role in the combustion reactions. In combustion reaction many molecules and substance react rapidly with oxygen and produces energy in the form of heat and light.

Role In Respiration

Biology admires õygen because of its presence and significance in the process of respiration. It possesses special role in respiration during which blood cells obtain energy from glucose molecules in the form of õygen. This process occurs in the mitochondria of the cells which is also known as power house of the cell.

Role in Photosynthesis

Role of õygen is evident in the photosynthesis which is the process through which plants prepare their food through light. Õygen is released as the by product of this process and carbon dioxide is consumed in this process which is again made up of õygen.

Õygen and oxidation of things

Õygen is highly involved in the oxidation of things like food. Because it provides favorable environment for the bacteria fungi which grow rapidly under the presence of õygen. This process is also a natural phenomenon which shows the relevance of this substance in the nature.

Importance for Marine life

Being a naturally occurring substance õygen is equally important for the existence and evolution of marine life. Because water contains due amount and concentration of õygen that is why it is mandatory for the survival and growth of marine life.


To conclude, õygen is naturally occurring substance which has its due importance and significance as it fulfills the need of existence of living things. We have shared the symbolic representation of õygen along with its involvement in various reaction. If you have any query regarding the shared information you can ask in the comment section.

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